Sunday Satsangs

Next Session – March 30th, 2025

Sunday Morning
Occurring Every Other Month

Arsha Drishti is continuing a new series of ‘Satsang with Swami Advayatmananda Saraswati’ sessions to take place every other month.  

When: The next session will be on Sunday March 30th, 2025 from 11 – 12:30 PM Pacific.

Where: Attend in-person or join via Zoom. For in-person location details please contact Sunday Satsang coordinators Ganesh or Deepti Bhat (,, 858-524-5223)

What: Q&A, Lunch & Music – This month’s Satsang will be followed by a potluck lunch (vegan preferred) for those who can attend in-person. If you would like to send Satsang questions in advance, share your musical talents, or lead a bhajan for the group, please coordinate with the Sunday Satsang coordinators. If you are attending in person, please RSVP with for us to get an approximate headcount.

To receive announcements regarding future satsang sessions please send an email to to subscribe to the announcement list.
Once you have sent an email to the above address, you will receive a separate email asking to Confirm your Subscription. You will have to reply to that email sent to you in order to complete your registration.

Note: On Satsang Sundays, the Sunday GHS class and beginning Sanskrit class will be cancelled.

What is Satsang?
Satsang (सत्सङ्ग sat-saṅga) means association, coming together, or connection with “sat“. The word “sat” means several things: good people, fellow travelers on the spiritual path, a saintly person, a teacher, or it can refer to Truth itself.

So satsang means gathering together of mumukṣu-s, spiritual seekers, with a teacher for the sake of understanding and assimilation of the vision of Vedanta. It is unstructured time to ask questions of a teacher to remove doubts and vagueness. This process of clarifying one’s understanding is called mananam and is an integral part of Vedanta sādhana or spiritual practice.


Classes begin Jan 21st, 2023

Saturday Mornings
Meditation at 8:00 AM
Class at 8:30 followed by discussion

Advaita Makaranda is a profound work written by Sri Lakshmidhara Kavi which clearly and poetically unfolds the vision of Advaita Vedanta. These beautiful twenty-eight verses are a journey of discovery into the truth of oneself, leading one’s inherent non-separateness from the Sacred. This teaching is not abstract or theoretical, but is likened to an open-eyed meditation which leads to the direct recognition of this ever present fact – that I am even now what I seek to become. In this vision of the sages of ancient India struggle ceases, and one discovers one’s inherent fullness and natural source of joy.

Download the text

Attend the class

To ensure you receive updates regarding this class please subscribe to the Saturday morning class-specific announcement list if you are not already subscribed by sending email to . You can check and manage your class subscriptions at

Śaṅkarācārya’s Bhagavad Gītā Bhāṣyam – Advanced Sanskrit Reading & Grammar Class


Śaṅkarācārya’s Bhagavad Gītā Bhāṣyam

New Session Starts Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

10:30 AM Pacific Time

Description: Reading and grammatical analysis of Śaṅkarācārya’s भगवद्गीताभाष्यम् Bhagavad Gītā Bhāṣyam. We will be starting with Chapter 2.

Prerequisite: Moderate proficiency in Sanskrit, Sanskrit grammar, and comfort with Devanāgarī.

When:  Wednesdays 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Where: Attend Online

Class Materials

To ensure you receive updates regarding this class please subscribe to the class-specific announcement list if you are not already subscribed by sending email to .  You can check and manage your class subscriptions at 

The class is free of charge.


Classes begin Oct 15th, 2020

Saturday Mornings
Meditation at 8:00 AM
Class at 8:30 followed by discussion

The Māyāpañcakam is a short text attributed to Ādi Śaṅkarācārya that unfolds the fundamental cause of our sense of limitation, separateness, and subsequent suffering, as well as its resolution. Through this text we will explore the how avidyā (ignorance) and adhyāsa (self-confusion) impact our lives. We will also examine the often misunderstood teaching of māyā and the role it plays in the appearance of the world and in the perceived separation of oneself from others, the world, and the sacred.

No previous exposure to Vedanta or knowledge of Sanskrit is required. The class is free of charge.

Download the Text

Attend the class

Listen to MāyāPañcakam Chanted by Swami Paramarthananda

To ensure you receive updates regarding this class please subscribe to the Saturday morning class-specific announcement list if you are not already subscribed by sending email to . You can check and manage your class subscriptions at

Watch Retreat Video – AdvaitaPañcaRatnam: Five Jewels on Non-Duality – Thanksgiving Retreat at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam

Thanksgiving Weekend Retreat at AVG
Watch Retreat Video

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AdvaitaPañcaRatnam (also known as ĀtmaPañcakam) is a short text attributed to Ādi Śaṅkarācārya that unfolds vision of Vedanta through the succinct presentation of several key teachings:

  • Ātma-anātma-viveka – the discriminative discernment between the self and non-self
  • Adhyāsa – the nature of ignorance-born self-confusion
  • Śabda-pramāṇa – the necessity of gaining knowledge from a teacher and the efficacy of language to remove self-ignorance
  • Mithyā – the dubious reality of the experienced world
  • Māyā – the creative power that manifests the world of multiplicity 

Each verse resolves with the contemplative assertion Śivo’ham – I am Śiva, the most auspicious. 

Resident AVG ācārya Swami Muktatmananda will also be presenting a series of talks addressing “Meditation on the Meditator” during the retreat.

Attend in person at the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in Saylorsburg PA or online.


New Beginning Sanskrit Course Starting April 10th

A new Arsha Drishti online beginning Sanskrit course will be starting April 10th, 2022. The structure and pace of the course will provide a gentle introduction to the Sanskrit language covering the alphabet, proper pronunciation, Devanāgarī script, grammar, and vocabulary. It will lay the groundwork for the student to properly chant Sanskrit texts, stotras, etc., as well as to begin translating and reading texts such as the Bhagavad Gītā, Upaniṣads, and the traditional commentaries.

The format of these sessions will be hosted presentations of video recordings of the beginning Sanskrit classes taught by Swami Advayatmananda Saraswati that commenced in 2019. These one-hour sessions will be hosted by Falguni and Snehal Bhatt. Deepti and Ganesh Bhat will be hosting live tutoring sessions to address any questions regarding the material covered in the recordings.

To register for the class and receive class information and schedule updates send an email to

Class Presentations: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 9:30 AM Pacific time
Tutoring Sessions: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 9:30 AM Pacific time

Where:  Arsha Drishti Zoom – Attend Online

Text: Introduction to Sanskrit: Part One by Thomas Egenes

The text is not required for the first few sessions.
Latest edition – ISBN 10: 9390696046 / ISBN 13: 9789390696048
Details on acquiring the text will be give in the first session.
Extensive digital supplementary materials will also be provided.

More information:
If you have questions regarding the course please contact:
Class Presentations: Snehal & Falguni at
Tutoring Sessions: Ganesh & Deepti at

Cost: All Arsha Drishti classes are free of charge. Donations accepted.

Śaṅkarācārya’s AdhyāsaBhāṣyam – Advanced Sanskrit Reading & Grammar Class


Śaṅkarācārya’s AdhyāsaBhāṣyam

New Session Starts Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

10:30 AM Pacific Time

Description: Reading and grammatical analysis of the अध्यासभाष्यम् AdhyāsaBhāṣyam – Śaṅkarācārya’s introduction to his commentary on the BrahmaSūtram with . This is primarily a grammar class, not a BrahmaSūtra class per se.

Prerequisite: Moderate proficiency in Sanskrit, Sanskrit grammar, and comfort with Devanāgarī.

When:  Wednesdays 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Where: Attend Online

Class Details and Materials

To ensure you receive updates regarding this class please subscribe to the class-specific announcement list if you are not already subscribed by sending email to .  You can check and manage your class subscriptions at 

The class is free of charge.

The Limitless Glories of Lord Śiva

By Swami Advayatmananda

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(Excerpts originally published in the 2021 Arsha Vidya Gurukulam Souvenir)

असितगिरिसमं स्यात्कज्जलं सिन्धुपात्रे
सुरतरुवरशाखा लेखनी पत्रमुर्वी ।
लिखति यदि गृहीत्वा शारदा सर्वकालं
तदपि तव गुणानामीश पारं न याति ॥ ३२ ॥

asitagirisamaṁ syātkajjalaṁ sindhupātre
surataruvaraśākhā lekhanī patramurvī ।
likhati yadi gṛhītvā śāradā sarvakālaṁ
tadapi tava guṇānāmīśa pāraṁ na yāti ॥ 32 ॥

“Should the ink be the black mountains, contained in the ink pot of the ocean;
Should the pen be a branch of the greatest heavenly tree, and the writing paper the entire earth; If even Śāradā, Goddess Saraswati herself were to take these and write for all time; Still she would never reach the end, O Lord, of your glorious attributes!”

This beautiful śloka from the Śivamahimnastotram in praise of Lord Śiva reveals the vision of advaita, non-duality, as expressed through the heart of a bhakta, a devotee.

Lord Śiva is presented in several complementary ways in the śāstra, scriptures. On one hand, he is represented as a family man, with wife, Pārvatī, and two sons, Subrahmaṇya and Gaṇapati. As such this form represents the pravṛtti-mārga—the lifestyle of a gṛhastha, householder, engaged in the world, leading the prayerful life of karma-yoga through which one transforms one’s entire life into a prayer, into a sādhana, spiritual practice.

Śiva is also represented as a tyāgī and yogī—an ascetic deeply absorbed in nididhyāsana, contemplation, representing the nivṛtti-mārga—the lifestyle of a saṁnyāsī who has embraced a life of voluntary simplicity and meditation dedicated to the pursuit of ātma-vidyā, self-knowledge.

Lord Śiva is also presented as the guru, teacher, in the form of Śrī Dakṣiṇāmūrti—the one who fearlessly faces south, south representing saṁsāra, the life filled with endless struggle and death, teaching his śiṣyas, students, the essence of the Upaniṣads, as kara-kalita-cin-mudra—the one whose hand is in the form of the cin-mudrā—the physical representation of the mahāvākya tat tvam asi.

This mahāvākya is the jīva-īśvara-aikya-bodhaka-vākya—the statement which, when fully understood through the unfoldment by a qualified teacher—directly reveals the oneness, non-separateness of the individual and the Lord. This direct knowledge enables the student to understand and hold the transformative vision that all that is here is one reality, Īśvara.

Pujya Swami Dayananda was fond of urging mumukṣus, spiritual aspirants, to “Īśvara-ize” the world and one’s life experiences. This is because the more one brings Īśvara into one’s life, the closer one is to reality, truth, because there is nothing here but Īśvara. As the karma-phala-dātā, the giver of the results of one’s previous actions, the Lord is present in every situation that appears in the unfoldment of the storyline of one’s life. As such, Lord Śiva appears in his potentially frightening form as the fructification of one’s pāpa, presenting us with obstacles and challenges, and also in his beneficent form, as the fructification of one’s puṇya, blessing us with opportunities and abundance.

And as jagataḥ abhinna-upādāna-kāraṇa, the non-separate material cause of all creation, Lord Śiva is the very stuff of creation—non-separate from the creation itself. The entire jagat, universe, and all of one’s life experiences are a manifestation of Lord Śiva’s guṇas, qualities, attributes, glories. He is parameśvara, the limitless Lord. Nothing can be separate from that which is limitless. He is satyam and mithyā, the real and the apparent; kāraṇa and kārya, cause and effect; nirguṇa and saguṇa, free of all qualities, yet manifesting as all nāma-rūpas, all names and forms.

Even Goddess Saraswati is unable to define the limitless, unable to enumerate the endless glories of Lord Śiva. He Īśa, O Lord, no one can ascertain the limit of your attributes, of your glories. All attributes and glories are yours. Even the glories I mistakenly claim as my own are nothing but your glories. Who could reach the limit your glories? Who can describe the limitless? You are limitless. You are everything. You are in fact ātmā, my very being. Wherever I look, I see nothing but you, and my heart overflows with wonderment and devotion.


॥ॐ तत्सत्॥
Om Tat Sat

©2021 Arsha Drishti

Seeking Resolution: The Resolution of Seeking – An Introduction to Advaita Vedanta, A Chennai Temple Talk – Updated Edition

Download Updated Booklet

A talk by Swami Advayatmananda Saraswati

(Presented as Brahmacārī Daksha Chaitanya prior to his Saṃnyāsa-Dīkṣā)

Marundeeshvara Temple, Chennai, India

November 19, 2014

Swami Advayatmananda Saraswati, while still a brahmacārī (Daksha Chaitanya), was invited to speak at the beautiful and sacred Marundeeshvara Temple in Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai, India, on November 19, 2014.  In this talk he explores the resolution to equation “I” + x = Happiness, questioning the very premise of our ceaseless search for wholeness.  Along the way he touches on topics ranging from crossword puzzles, musical improvisation, and workplace challenges, to recognition of the fundamental universal human problem, impermanent means and ends,  radical transformation of self identity, and the joy of living, all as informed by the vision of the sages of ancient India.

Advayatmananda Chennai Temple 3

Swamiji as a brahmacārī teaching at the temple

Marundeeshvara Temple

Arulmigu Marundeeswarar Temple, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai, India

Advayatmananda Chennai Temple 2


Advayatmananda Chennai Temple 1


Arsha Vidya Gurukulam Thanksgiving Retreat – Brahmavidāśīrvādapaddhati – Contemplative Prayers for Self-knowledge

Thanksgiving Weekend Retreat Live Online

November 25 – 28

Register to Attend

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Brahmavidāśīrvādaḥ is a work attributed to the famous 14th century teacher Śrī Vidyāraṇya that presents the essence of Advaita Vedanta in the form of meditative prayers seeking blessings for gaining an assimilated and abiding vision of Vedanta such that it becomes one’s living reality.

Selections will be presented both as an unfoldment of the vision of one’s inherent wholeness and freedom, and as seeds for nididhyāsana—the deep contemplation on the truth of the contemplator.

Resident AVG acarya Swami Muktatmananda will also be presenting Bhagavad Gita Ch 12 vs 14 “Characteristics of a Jñānī” during the retreat.

Attend in person at the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in Saylorsburg PA, or online.