Next Session – March 30th, 2025
Sunday Morning
Occurring Every Other Month
Arsha Drishti is continuing a new series of ‘Satsang with Swami Advayatmananda Saraswati’ sessions to take place every other month.
When: The next session will be on Sunday March 30th, 2025 from 11 – 12:30 PM Pacific.
Where: Attend in-person or join via Zoom. For in-person location details please contact Sunday Satsang coordinators Ganesh or Deepti Bhat (bgbhat1@gmail.com, deeptibhat@gmail.com, 858-524-5223)
What: Q&A, Lunch & Music – This month’s Satsang will be followed by a potluck lunch (vegan preferred) for those who can attend in-person. If you would like to send Satsang questions in advance, share your musical talents, or lead a bhajan for the group, please coordinate with the Sunday Satsang coordinators. If you are attending in person, please RSVP with deeptibhat@gmail.com for us to get an approximate headcount.
To receive announcements regarding future satsang sessions please send an email to SundaySatsangs+subscribe@ArshaDrishti.groups.io to subscribe to the announcement list.
Once you have sent an email to the above address, you will receive a separate email asking to Confirm your Groups.io Subscription. You will have to reply to that email sent to you in order to complete your registration.
Note: On Satsang Sundays, the Sunday GHS class and beginning Sanskrit class will be cancelled.
What is Satsang?
Satsang (सत्सङ्ग sat-saṅga) means association, coming together, or connection with “sat“. The word “sat” means several things: good people, fellow travelers on the spiritual path, a saintly person, a teacher, or it can refer to Truth itself.
So satsang means gathering together of mumukṣu-s, spiritual seekers, with a teacher for the sake of understanding and assimilation of the vision of Vedanta. It is unstructured time to ask questions of a teacher to remove doubts and vagueness. This process of clarifying one’s understanding is called mananam and is an integral part of Vedanta sādhana or spiritual practice.