Śrī-Dakṣiṇāmūrti-Stotram is beautiful poem and prayer addressed to Īśvara, the source of all that is, who is presented in the form of teacher. The author Ādi Śaṅkarācārya succinctly unfolds the vision of non-duality in ten verses, exploring the erroneous assumptions we make about ourselves and the world which lead to suffering.
This stotra is an important work within the Advaita tradition, presenting a number of the essential prakriyā-s or teaching approaches which guide a student to clarity regarding his or her innate wholeness and non-separateness from the sacred.
From 2018 to 2019, Swamiji had taught and led 29 classes and guided meditations on Śrī-Dakṣiṇāmūrti-Stotram.
To download the audio recordings of those classes and meditations, as well as the text in Devanāgarī along with Roman Transliteration and English Translation with word-for-word breakdown, please click – HERE