San Diego Weekend Retreat – Kaivalya Upaniṣad

Kaivalya Upaniṣad
January 17th 2025 – January 20th 2025
San Diego, California

Arsha Drishti is happy to announce an in-person retreat this MLK Weekend, January 17th – 20th 2025.

During this retreat, Swami Advayatmananda ji will be teaching the Kaivalya Upaniṣad.

The Kaivalya Upaniṣad is an ancient sacred text of India which unfolds the vision of  Advaita, non-duality, oneness without a second, along with the means to attain this transformative vision. Themes of trust, devotion, experience, knowledge, and renunciation are explored.  Instruction is given in meditation upon formless reality, upon the self which is ever-present in the cave of the heart, as well as upon the expression of the sacred with form. Finally, the deeply personal vision of identity with the limitless is ecstatically expressed by the student upon the clear understanding of the teaching Tat Tvam Asi, “You are That”.

Please fill out our Google Form HERE if you have an interest in attending. Although no commitment is necessary at this time, your response will be helpful for us in planning the logistics and appropriate accommodations for all interested retreat attendees. Thank you.

Retreat Timings:

Arrival – Friday January 17th 5pm (followed by Dinner and Satsang)

Conclusion – Monday January 20th 12pm

Ages: 16+

Registration Deadline: September 30th 2024

For any questions, please email us at

If you would like to receive email updates regarding the retreat, please subscribe to our Retreat Group by sending an email to
Once you have sent an email to the above address, you will receive a separate email asking to Confirm your Subscription. You will have to reply to that email sent to you in order to complete your registration.

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