A new Arsha Drishti online beginning Sanskrit course will be starting April 10th, 2022. The structure and pace of the course will provide a gentle introduction to the Sanskrit language covering the alphabet, proper pronunciation, Devanāgarī script, grammar, and vocabulary. It will lay the groundwork for the student to properly chant Sanskrit texts, stotras, etc., as well as to begin translating and reading texts such as the Bhagavad Gītā, Upaniṣads, and the traditional commentaries.
The format of these sessions will be hosted presentations of video recordings of the beginning Sanskrit classes taught by Swami Advayatmananda Saraswati that commenced in 2019. These one-hour sessions will be hosted by Falguni and Snehal Bhatt. Deepti and Ganesh Bhat will be hosting live tutoring sessions to address any questions regarding the material covered in the recordings.
To register for the class and receive class information and schedule updates send an email to
Class Presentations: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 9:30 AM Pacific time
Tutoring Sessions: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 9:30 AM Pacific time
Where: Arsha Drishti Zoom – Attend Online
Text: Introduction to Sanskrit: Part One by Thomas Egenes
The text is not required for the first few sessions.
Latest edition – ISBN 10: 9390696046 / ISBN 13: 9789390696048
Details on acquiring the text will be give in the first session.
Extensive digital supplementary materials will also be provided.
More information:
If you have questions regarding the course please contact:
Class Presentations: Snehal & Falguni at pfsbhatt@gmail.com
Tutoring Sessions: Ganesh & Deepti at bgbhat1@gmail.com
Cost: All Arsha Drishti classes are free of charge. Donations accepted.