Classes begin Oct 15th, 2020
Saturday Mornings
Meditation at 8:00 AM
Class at 8:30 followed by discussion
The Māyāpañcakam is a short text attributed to Ādi Śaṅkarācārya that unfolds the fundamental cause of our sense of limitation, separateness, and subsequent suffering, as well as its resolution. Through this text we will explore the how avidyā (ignorance) and adhyāsa (self-confusion) impact our lives. We will also examine the often misunderstood teaching of māyā and the role it plays in the appearance of the world and in the perceived separation of oneself from others, the world, and the sacred.
No previous exposure to Vedanta or knowledge of Sanskrit is required. The class is free of charge.
Listen to MāyāPañcakam Chanted by Swami Paramarthananda
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