Watch Retreat Video – AdvaitaPañcaRatnam: Five Jewels on Non-Duality – Thanksgiving Retreat at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam

Thanksgiving Weekend Retreat at AVG
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AdvaitaPañcaRatnam (also known as ĀtmaPañcakam) is a short text attributed to Ādi Śaṅkarācārya that unfolds vision of Vedanta through the succinct presentation of several key teachings:

  • Ātma-anātma-viveka – the discriminative discernment between the self and non-self
  • Adhyāsa – the nature of ignorance-born self-confusion
  • Śabda-pramāṇa – the necessity of gaining knowledge from a teacher and the efficacy of language to remove self-ignorance
  • Mithyā – the dubious reality of the experienced world
  • Māyā – the creative power that manifests the world of multiplicity 

Each verse resolves with the contemplative assertion Śivo’ham – I am Śiva, the most auspicious. 

Resident AVG ācārya Swami Muktatmananda will also be presenting a series of talks addressing “Meditation on the Meditator” during the retreat.

Attend in person at the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in Saylorsburg PA or online.


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